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What To Do In Starbound After Final Boss

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The result is that there's now so much to do in Starbound that new players will likely find themselves paralysed by choice, but there's no need to cover all the bases. Instead, pick one general thing: set yourself a quest to start an intergalactic colony or kill a penguin crime boss. After beating both final boss phases Dreamer and Nightmare multiple times, I've picked up a few tricks. We also have an advanced guide with some extra tips in general. Tips For Fighting the Final Boss, Dreamer & Nightmare This is a reminder that this is the final boss and obviously major spoilers for Remnant. Now that we have that out of the. The final boss's planet breaks the formula of being unable to destroy blocks (with exceptions). A surprisingly neat concept but ultimately flawed in execution. Pretty much 90% of the lore-based logs from the first iteration were completely removed- along with probably 50 pieces of furniture, ultimately because people on the chucklefuck. It also has 6 beams after you hit it the 3rd time, in a waving-up-down motion. It also spawns a Moontant after each beam phase. Being struck with the Mining Laser will cause the crystal to crack and shards will fall to the ground. After three shots the boss will be defeated, allowing players to complete the mission.

  1. Starbound Boss Weapons
  2. What To Do In Starbound After Final Boss 2

Now that you've become an admin on your GSK powered Starbound server, you'll have a plethora of commands at your disposal. To use a command, toggle admin mode on an adminstrator account by typing /admin in your ingame console. From there, you can type any of these commands into the console and they will work as described.

Parameter Usage:

  • Parameters within square brackets '[]' refer to a mandatory parameter, meaning you must enter something here in order for the command to work.
  • Normal brackets '<>' refer to optional parameter, you can choose whether or not you want to enter something in that field.

Basic Commands

Basic Commands can be used by all users regardless of user authentication.
Monster girl quest 3d hero.

Command With Syntax


/helpShows the list of commands available to you.
/adminEnables Admin Mode. Enables all crafting recipies, prevents damage, and allows access to admin only commands.
/reload Reloads your local assets without exiting the game.
/whoamiDisplays your username and your authentication status.
/serverwhoamiDisplays your server username and your authentication status.
/whereamiDisplay the coordinate of your current location
/pvpEnables Player vs. Player on your end if possible.
/playedDisplays the total amount of time played on your character.
/deathsDisplays the total amount of deaths on this character.
/suicideKills the current player which incurs all death pentalties.
/nakedRemoves all your gear, useful for macros.

Admin Commands

These are commands which can only be used by users with admin authentication and have enabled admin mode on their character by typing /admin.

Commands With Syntax


/warp (/help warp for list of parameters)Teleports the user to the desired location
/timewarp [time in seconds]Adds the parameter time in seconds to the ingame time. Both positive and negative values are accepted.
/stettileprotection [dungeonID] [isProtected (true or false)]Sets the instanced area, dungeonID, to be protected if isProtected parameter is set to true.
/sets spawnpointSets the default spawn point on the current world to your characters position.
/spawnitem [Item Name][amount]Spawns the item at the mouse cursor. Check out this list of Starbound items.
/spawntreasure [poolname][level]Spawns a treasure specified from the treasure pool, (loot table) and its rarity.
/spawnmonster [type][level]Spawns a monster who's information has been specified by parameters at the cursors location.
/spawnnpc [species][type][level][seed]['overrides.json object']Spawns an NPC with these parameters set. 'Overrides specified as a JSON object within single quotes.
/spawnvehicle [type]Spawns a vehicle based on its type and extra parameters.
/spawnstagehand [type]Spawns a stagehand, which is used for missions and quests.
/clearstagehandDespawns any stagehand close to cursor position
/spawnliquid [liquidName]Spawns a liquid, quantity is specified by the optional parameter, if left blank it will default to '1.'
/kick [PlayerNickname]Kicks a player for optional reason, if no reason is given the reason will be their nickname.
/ban [PlayerNickname]Bans a player for a reason given. You can specifiy what type by typing ip, uuid, or both as the type command, and a duration by changing the
/whereis [PlayerNickname]Displays the celestial coordinates of the listed player.
/serverreloadReloads server side assets. May cause lag.
/enablespawningEnables automatic monster spawning on the current world
/placedungeon [dungeonname]Places a dungeon into the world, placed at either the position defined in the position parameter or to the players cursor location.
/setuniverseflag [Flag Name]Sets the current universe flag, which sets the level of progression which has been completed on the server.
/resetuniverseflags Clears all universe flags, resetting all progression to it's initial state.

Debugging Commands

These are a set of commands which allow the administrator to debug lua scripts, broadcast radio messages, and quests, from an NPC's perspective. To use debug commands enter debug mode by typing the command /debug.

Commands With Syntax


/debugEnables debug mode
/gravityDisplays gravity value at the players position
/boxesToggle the display of debugging polygons
/clearboxesToggle to clear boxes displayed with /boxes every frame.
/togglelayerToggles the visability of a layer
/fullbrightDisables the ligting engine, shows everything.
/fixedcameraLocks the cameras position
/set gravity [level]Sets your local gravity to the level parameter
/resetgravityResets gravity to the default gravity
/eval Evaluates lua
/entityeval Evaluates the lua parameter in context to scripted entity selected by the users cursor
/radiomessage [messageID]Triggers the player to receive a radio message with the specified ID
/clearradiomessagesResets all received radio messages allowing players to see unique messages again.
/clearcinematicsResets all unique cinematic events
/cinema [cinematic file path]Plays the requested cinematic
/startquest [questArcDescriptor]Gives the player a quest with the quest Arc Descriptor provided with the questArcDescriptor parameter
/completequest [questID]Force completes a current quest
/failquest [questID]Force fails a quest
/previewnewquest [QuestTemplateID][PositionInSequence][QuestGiverSpecs]Displays a New Quest Interface to the user.
/previewquestcomplete[QuestTemplateID][PositionInSequence][QuestGiverSpecs]Displays the Quest Completion Interface to the user.
/previewquestfailed[QuestTemplateID][PositionInSequence][QuestGiverSpecs]Displays the Quest Failed Interface to the user.
/statistic[statistic name]Displays the value of the statistic specified in the parameter
/resetachievmentsResets all player's acheivments
/enabletech [Tech Name]Unlocks the tech for use specified in the parameter
/maketechavailable [Tech Name]Makes the tech specified visable and available for purchase
/giveessentialitem [Item][Slot Name]Sets the specififed item to the specified slot, overwriting the existing item.
/upgradeship [Ship Upgrade]Upgrades the users ship with the upgrade specified. 'Ship Upgrade' parameter should be a Json object surrounded by single quotes.

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What To Do In Starbound After Final Boss 2

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PPKP is a beat-em-up RPG with a lot of confusing mysteries about it. Compounding these mysteries is that there is no dialogue at all whatsoever in this game – everything is explained in picture form, like an IKEA instruction manual, so you have to try to figure out what the pictures mean. Getting to and beating the final boss is confusing, the airport boss is confusing, and what the heck do the cat and the security guard/man in black do? Read on for answers to all of these in PPKP!

Getting to the final boss is an annoying grind, but it's simple enough to understand the method. If you want to get to the final boss, you have to beat every other boss. Load up on building materials. Go to the helicopter and move to the right side of the map, then tap on the green building. You'll have to build something called a Mazinger Z. Then when you build it, you'll be able to fight the final boss.

The final boss is tough as nails, but there is a way to beat him. You just have to understand counters, because counterattacking will do thousands of damage points, allowing you to beat the boss. Your regular attacks and your spells will do very little to the boss. Your counterattacks will have slightly later timing than they will in all of the other levels, so time them accordingly.

The airport boss is another tough one. The reason this one is nasty is because you will not be able to tell whether its attack is a kick or a punch by the glow in its eyes, because for some reason there is no glow in its eyes. What you have to do is watch its legs and arms. Whichever one it seems to be moving first, is the one you should block with. Counter with a punch for the arms, and a kick for the legs.

The security guard, or the man in black, stands in front of the jewelry store, and when you tap him, he says '….'. There is no secret reason for his existence unfortunately – he's there to represent a high-class security guard because the jewelry store is an expensive place. Also, the cat on top of the restaurant will tell you about its dream of catching a mouse. That's all the cat does – it's there for decoration. No secret usage unfortunately.

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The magic spells will be in a secret area in the dojo. To get to the secret area, go to the dojo and tap on the little door to the bottom left corner of the screen. When you do, you will be transported to another room of the dojo. Here, you can buy spells for gems, rather than for coins. Each of these spells has a different method of activation, such as dragging and holding a punch or a kick button. In the battle screen, the cool down meter will appear to the side of the punch and kick buttons, on the far left and right side of the screen. It will empty when you use a spell; when it fills up again, you will be able to use the spell again. Spells can be used without drawing any energy.

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